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Arc Tent -15

      The arc-shaped tent is a unique tent shape based on the exquisite arc and top line design. With a beautiful arc, the span of the curved tent can be determined according to the needs of the guests, and the length can be increased in multiples of 3 meters or 5 meters according to the needs of the site and scale. It shows the personalized arc effect of this tent with beautiful lines. The innovative design makes the appearance more beautiful and quite stable.

      Curved tents are suitable for exhibition halls, stadiums, event weddings, warehouses, environmental protection industry, medical institutions, etc.

     The arc-shaped tent of Guangao tent manufacturer can be easily disassembled, can be quickly installed in a short period of time, has a service life of more than 20 years, complete indoor facilities, stable and durable tent structure, and no site restrictions.

Structural parts drawing:


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